An Introduction

    I discovered my love for code while working at a printing company in NJ. We'd get tracking numbers from outsourced jobs by email, and have to update them in our system for our customers to see. Our system had no API, so right off the bat, I taught myself Selenium Webdriver with Python to handle the task. From that point on, I couldn't stop automating any repetitive task I came across.

    At a certain point I realized that any sufficiently complex automation would need an interface, and so I taught myself Flask and SQL. With these skills I started a business Automating Twitter Advertising. Since I got that established and running smoothly, I began to seek out how I could improve as a programmer. I applied for App Academy due to the difficult admissions process, and air of difficulty I read about them. There I developed the skills to write Ruby, Rails, Javascript, React, and improve my SQL queries and CSS styles.

    During my job search, a friend introduced me to Ethereum and I fell for it. Automating repetitive administrative tasks seemed like where I wanted to be. I found myself excited to enter the development world at Axoni, learning the ins and outs of finance, and writting solidity. Shortly after, I discovered DeFi when MakerDAO launched DAI. Its largely consumed my life since then. I look forward to one day working in the public Ethereum space.



Inspired by Stack Overflow

A responsive Q&A forum with Stack Overflow features

  • Built with React/Redux/Rails
  • Frontend authentication uses session tokens to ensure session is legitimate.
  • Frontend sort results in fast page updates with minimal code through callback defined sorting.
  • Polymorphic voting is seamless, and updates immediately, while reducing the code necessary to implement multi-table associations.
  • Live | Github


  • Built with JavaScript vanilla canvas
  • Increasing difficulty over time keeps players engaged.
  • Adjustable base difficulty levels allows users to tailor their experience by setting max balls spawned at a time.
  • Tracks each key press to allow multikey interaction, as well as key release actions, by acting on a hash of keys rather than on each keys input.
  • Collision detection allows balls to bounce off of each other in a predictable manner that allows counterplay.
  • Live | Github

Chess: The Game

  • Built with Ruby
  • Highlights available, legal moves of the selected piece, which don’t result in check.
  • Notifies players of check and checkmate.
  • Allows for castling that doesn’t pass through check.
  • Github

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